SuperXie Junhao

Underwhelming performance from the middle lane
Super finished with a 3/6/5 KDA in a loss to Liquid.
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Roster History / Event Placements
February 3, 2018Joined LGD Forever Young
February 3, 2018Left Invictus Gaming
January 23, 2018Joined Invictus Gaming
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Returns to LFY
LiquidDota reported Saturday that Super would be rejoining LGD.Forever Young immediately.
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Can't recover from poor start
Super was completely outclassed by Resolut1on in LFY's defeat at the hands of OG in MDL Macau. The mid laner finished with a KDA of 11/8/7.
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Well-respected by his opponents
The consistent Super was held to a poor series by Vici Gaming in the Perfect World Masters. The mid laner finished with a KDA of 7/7/3.
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Just another day in the office for LFY midlaner
Super played a solid series for LFY as they eliminate Team Secret from the Perfect World Masters. The soft-spoken mid laner finished with a KDA of 15/5/31.
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Solid game from LFY's dependable middle lane
Super took to one of his favorite heroes, Dragon Knight, to keep LFY's tournament hopes afloat. He finished with a 3/0/9 KDA.
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