FanFan Yang

Hard fought victory with some questionable positioning
Fan had a strong series, winning 3-2 over Lag Force during the 2017 HGC Group Stage Phase 2.
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Poor Malthael play
Fan struggled in a 3-1 victory over Tempo Storm during the 2017 HGC Group Stage Phase 2.
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Sneaky Abathur player
Fan was a master craftsman in a 3-1 victory over Even in Death during the 2017 HGC Group Stage Phase 2.
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Overcompensates in loss
Fan lost his cool when his teammates performance began to stutter in the 3-1 victory against Roll20 at the North America HGC Phase 2.
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Genji's soulmate
Fan and Genji were meant to be, with his play being a highlight in the 3-1 series against Team 8 at the HGC North America Round 4.
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Surprise Chromie pick
Fan pulled out a surprise strategy in a 3-0 sweep of Team 8 during the 2017 HGC Group Stage.
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