Struggles in defeat
nzr fell to a 16/28/9 KDA during Monday's 2-0 loss to Na'Vi in VCT Lock In.
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Roster History / Event Placements
November 24, 2022Joined Leviatán Esports
November 24, 2022Left FURIA Esports
September 15, 2021Joined FURIA Esports
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Joins Leviatan from FURIA
nzr completed a transfer from FURIA to Leviatan ahead of the 2023 VCT Americas campaign.
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46 kills in elimination
nzr registered a 46/43/21 KDA during Sunday's 2-1 loss to KRU.
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Tops defeat
nzr tallied a 51/42/17 KDA during Thursday's 2-1 loss to Sentinels in VCT Champions.
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