Only 20 kills in defeat
ZOREE gathered a 20/37/10 KDA in a 2-0 defeat, falling out of Flashpoint 1 to MAD Lions.
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Roster History / Event Placements
April 2, 2020Joined HAVU
April 2, 2020Left RCTIC eSports
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Eliminates Gen.G
ZOREE put up a 67/46/21 KDA in a 2-1 defeat of Gen.G on Monday to progress to top four of Flashpoint 1.
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50 kills against Chaos
ZOREE posted a 50/19/8 KDA in a 2-0 sweep of Chaos on Friday in ESL Pro League.
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Goes +18 to beat Cloud 9
ZOREE tallied a 46/28/4 KDA to sweep Cloud9 2-0 on Sunday in Flashpoint 1.
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